Change is good! The only way you will see results is by incorporating change into your program. Don’t expect to see results and changes in your body if you are doing the same thing over and over again! Variety and Change is the key to any program!! I can not stress this enough. People always ask, how many reps, sets, what about weight?? My answer is always Change is good. Do high reps, low weight some days then go in and do low reps, high weight. Switch up reps, exercises, intensity, absolutely everything you do, change it up. Don’t always do the same routine. We like structure but in this arena, structure needs to be flexible in order to see results! Go with how you feel and change it up!
I am sure you can think of all of the people who have been going to the gym 5, 6 and even 7 days a week for years. They show up like clockwork, wearing the same outfit, same shoes, walk to the same machines and perform the same exercises day in and day out. Every monday it is the same program, same goes for every other day of the week… Do you know these people? They go to the exact same cardio machine, not only the same machine but the EXACT same location. You can even map out their program. Walk up stairs, walk to machine, blow nose, grab newspaper, scratch eye, (okay maybe not exactly but you know what I mean)! They have been on the same cardio machines, lifting the same free weights, and using the same equipment since day one. They do each for the same amount of time, and always in the same order without fail. Yet they don’t see any changes in their physique and they wonder why. It kills me to see this and it actually makes me cringe. They are putting in so much time, energy and effort yet not doing things efficiently!
A plateau occurs when your muscles become familiar with a movement through repetition and over time. Your no longer have to think, they just know! Today we are going to do this, this, this and that, your body adapts to anything we do!
If you want to change your body, you need to change your routine on a regular basis, it is a fact! There are different philosophies on how often to do this, although nearly everyone agrees that doing so is important to improve your health and fitness. Not only does variety give you the results you are looking for and increases metabolism, but it increases your motivation, and decreases the chances of you getting burnt out and bored from doing the same ‘ol thing!
Listen to your body and go with how you feel! Have fun with it!
Make a new workout and diet plan that consists of changing things up in Every area!! Track your progress and watch what will happen!