Training Videos, Workout of the Day
Feeling motivated and getting back into it, little by little…. G-Fit Workout of the Day: -10 single front raise superset with side lateral raise -10 thrusters with medicine ball (center, right, center, left) -20 pulse squats with medicine ball Rest and repeat 3x...
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
2015 G-Fit Workout of the Day kick off: -15 bent over rows -15 bent over upper cuts -10 2 side lateral raises superset with 2 bicep curls -10 combo shoulder presses, regular press into press with palms facing ears Rest and repeat 2x Dig Deep! *38 weeks pregnant Happy...
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -10 abductor leg extensions -10 bicep curls off ball -10 Arnold presses -10 combo side lateral raise with front raise -10 hip opener with shoulder stretch Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep! *37 weeks...
Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit workout of the Day 10 Side lateral raises 10 kick backs off exercise ball 10 single bent over front raise 10 reverse grip one arm row rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep! *37 weeks pregnant
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Motivational Videos, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -15 dome front raises (4# ball) -10 ball squats -10 round face single presses -15 overhead tricep extensions -10 bent over hammer bicep curl with side lateral raise Rest and repeat 2x Dig Deep! *36 weeks...
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -15 band bicep curls -10 alternating band diagonal front raises -15 band squats -10 single side band lateral raise -20 band side stretches Rest and repeat 2x Dig Deep! *36 weeks pregnant