G-Fit workout of the day Part I 15 front raise with car drivers 10 fall backs with plate 10 opposite leg/hand raise in plank position 10 plank up-downs (each side) Part II 10 plank knee to elbows, each side 10 wood choppers 10 lunge with twist holding plate Repeat...
Here’s the rest of my G-Fit Workout of the day… All With 25# weight 10 swings 10 squats 10 alternating step ups 10 lunges (each side) 10 side to side abductor kicks (each side) Repeat 4x
G-Fit Workout of the Day: Lower body burn—this one is for the ladies!! 1 minute single leg jump ropes 10 Step ups on 24″ box (each side) with dumbbells 20 wide squats with press, palms facing ears 30 Wide flutter kicks off box 10 front kicks, each side...
G-Fit “oh I feel so good” Workout of the Day: Warm up: 1 mile jog Circuit: 15 squats 15 standing knee to chest 15 good mornings 15 dumbbell front raises 10 dumbbell reverse grip front raises 2 min rest, repeat circuit...