G-Fit Workout of the day: 4 1/4 mile sprints on 2% incline with 2 minute rests in between Circuit: 30 Crunches off ball 10 Pikes 5 decline Push-Ups 10 Hamstring curls off ball 10 Elevated knee to chest 5 Single leg hamstring curls off ball Rest and repeat circuit 2x...
G-Fit Workout of the day 1/2 mile run —– Circuit: 5 mountain climbers with 1 push up repeat 10x 10 Bent over rear delt rows 10 single bent over front raises 10 chest presses 10 skull crushers 20 kick ups Repeat circuit...
G-Fit Workout of the day: 2 minute jump ropes 10 lunge superset with bicep curls 10 single side lateral superset with front raise 10 single straight leg Deadlifts 20 one arm rows Repeat 4x
G-Fit Workout of the Day: 100 jump ropes 10 Single side step with band, each side 3 count pulse 1 count up squat 10 Back lunges, each side 10 3-way front raise with plate (side/front/ other side =1) Repeat 6x inc. jump ropes
G-Fit workout of the day: 1/4 mile run Single hammer curl with push press 10 cross over side lateral super set with opposite side lateral 30 1/2 bicycle crunches 30 open shut thems (for adductors) 1 minute plank Repeat 3x including 1/4 mile...