G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: Tabata Treadmill Sprints (20 second sprint, 10 seconds off) repeat 8x —-4 minutes total!! Circuit: 10 split squats off bench 20 elevated bench dips 10 box jumps 20 swifter mountain climbers 10 push-up up-downs 20 swifter slides Rest and...

G-Fit Workout Of the Day

G-Fit Workout Of the Day: 1 mile run Circuit: 10 Stationary lunge with knee to chest (each side) 10 Bicep curls in lunge position (change legs and repeat) 10 Push ups off dumbbells 20 Plank Knee to elbows 20 Pulse squats 20 Wide flutter kicks Rest 1 minute and repeat...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the day part 1: 10 squats–feet together –superset by wide stance squats 10 back lunge with press 10 jump back/jump forward, stand 10 alternating shoulder presses Repeat 3x G-Fit Workout of the Day Part 2: 30 wall squats with ball 30...

G-Fit Workout Of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: 10 pulse-pulse- press shoulder presses 10 decline push-ups 50 jump ropes Repeat 2x Off the bench side lateral raises 15 off the bench leg raises with ball 20 kettle bell swings Repeat 3x...