G-FIT Workout of the Day

G-fit workout of the day: 10 renegade rows 10 kettle bell one-arm rows 10 wide squats 10 hip thrusts off bench with 5 second hold at the top 10 reverse grip bent over rows rest 30 seconds in between exercises and repeat and 2x

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the day 10 dumbbell swings with 25# 10 front raise plate “drivers” with 4 turns at the top 10 push-ups off exercise ball 10 plate front raises, left/center/right Rest and repeat 3x then move onto Part 2 Part 2 1 minute plank 10 plank leg...

Squat Low with these simple tools

Use a dumbbell or kettle bell to take your squat down a bit lower… Chest out, Butt back, lightly tap dumbbell or kettle bell then use your heels to press back up to the starting position and repeat…