Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -10 inverted push ups -10 tricep kickbacks -10 single kettlebell straight leg dead lifts -10 bench tricep dips -10 windmills -10 Baby-weight squats rest and repeat 4x Dig Deep!
Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day 2 mile run Circuit: 10 step ups 10 incline push ups 10 side to side shuffles 10 side to side dumbbell swings 10 bent over front raise superset with side lateral raise 10 bent over one arm rows Rest and repeat circuit 4x Dig...
Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day Part 1: 10 front presses (dumbbells together) 10 V presses 10 “up and out” presses 10 kettle bell swings 10 knee to opposite shoulder off exercise ball Rest and repeat 3x Move on to part 2…. G-Fit Workout of the Day Part 2:...
Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day Part 1: 10 Bulgarian split squats 15 incline push ups 10 up and over (bench) leg lifts 10 stationary lunges with front foot elevated 30 incline mountain climbers Rest and repeat 3x and move on to part 2… G-Fit Workout Part 2: 15 1/2...