A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -10 single leg dead lift -10 single leg dead lift with combo front raise -10 knee to chest with back kick, without touching ground -10 weighted squats -10 “up and open” presses Rest and repeat 2x Dig Deep!...
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit workout of the day: -15 bent over knee to chest with back kick -15 bench jumps -15 one-arm rows with band -15 bicep curls with band Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep! *19 weeks pregnant
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -15 lying knee to chest -15 kettlebell swings -15 tricep front faced tricep extensions -15 back lunge with knee to chest Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep! *19 weeks
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day Part 1: -10 leg lifts in plank position -10 alternating thrusters -10 one arm row with side lateral -10 hamstring curls off ball Rest and repeat… Dig Deep!! Move onto part 2 BELOW G-Fit Workout of the Day Part 2: All Reverse Grip! -10...
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Videos
Pregnant NOT Powerless!! 10 tricep dips with 5 second break—- 10x Total 100 dips and less than 3 minutes!! Dig deep and feel the burn!! G-Tips: 1. keep triceps in close to your body. 2. Chest out! 3. Core engaged!! *17 weeks...
A Beautiful, Healthy & Fit Pregnancy, Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-fit workout of the day: -30 1/2 jumping jacks -10 front lunge superset with side lunge -10 fire hydrants with floor butt blaster -10 alternating opposite knee to shoulder in plank position Rest and repeat 4x Dig Deep!! *17 weeks...