Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -10 opposite knee to elbow in plank position -15 sit ups -10 push ups with leg elevated -15 Arnold presses -10 side lateral raises Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep!
Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -10 box squats -20 upper cuts -15 pikes off ball -10 push ups off ball Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep!
Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -10 combo bicep curl, front raise, squat -10 alternating front raises on incline bench -10 combo kick back with side leg extension -15 reverse lunges, each side Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep!
Training Videos, Workout of the Day
So simple yet so effective… 5 mile walk followed by G-Fit Workout : 15 bench dips 10 incline push ups 5 incline push ups (foot elevated)- each side 1 minute rest and repeat 2 more x Dig Deep!
Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -20 hip thrusts off ball -10 burpees -15 toe touches off exercise ball -15 alternating KB swings Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep!
Training Videos, Workout of the Day
G-Fit Workout of the Day: -10 push up with knee to elbow (one side at a time) -20 squat with toe tap -10 single bicep curl with front raise -10 fire hydrants superset with floor butt blaster Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep!