Top 10 Fitness Tips

1. Don’t Be afraid of Weight Lifting The primary concerns women have when it comes to fitness weight training are, “I don’t want to get big or bulky”, but this is a fear NO woman should have!  It takes so much time, work, dedication, proper food and...

Myths Revealed

Haven’t you all heard some crazy myths over the years!! Sometimes you know they are totally myths but other times you are gullible and totally fall for them! When certain myths are accepted as true, they could lead to injury, muscle imbalance, possible malnutrition,...

Q&A that darn scale!!??

Q: Gina, I know that you always talk about disregarding the scale and not focusing on numbers but I can’t help it! That seems to be where I go to track my progress. I am sticking to tools you are teaching, eating a healthy balanced lifestyle and incorporating...

3 Fat Blasting Jump Exercises you can do at HOME

Spending more time at home these days and need to get in your workout. We WILL DO THIS! We must stay moving and we can do it! You can do EVERYTHING from the comfort of your home. Checkout these 3 simple yet effective fat-blasting jump exercises to boost your heart...