Training To Failure … to do or not to do

There is so much controversy when it comes to weight training, theories, beliefs, etc. Nearly every aspect of weight training is controversial which can lead to misapplication, misunderstanding and improper techniques. How useful is it to perform reps until failure?...

Typical myths…

Haven’t you all heard some crazy myths over the years!! Sometimes you know they are totaly myths but other times you are gullible and totally fall for them! When certain myths are accepted as true, they could lead to injury, muscle imbalance, possible...

Success starts with planning…

When you embark upon a fitness journey, you must start planning your meals. From when you will eat to what you will eat and how much. It is much easier when you have a meal already prepared. They key to success is planning and not having to think, when it comes time...


Think big for 2010. Start thinking about your goals but be sure they are Realistic and Specific!! Make sure it is SMART (see below) S = Specific– Goals need to be straightforward, definitive and you need to know what you want so you can focus on how we are going...

Prepare your muscles

Preparing your muscles for your workout is just as important as your workout alone!  jumping straight into your workout without the proper warm up can only get you into trouble! What muscles you are you going to be working during that workout session?  From there,...

Holiday choices are your own

If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else. –Yogi Berra Your Holiday choices are your own… That’s right – it’s your choice. Enjoy the holidays but remember your choices are your own.  I’m suggesting you get get on a...