Once again, Hump day is upon us… Good morning everyone! Hope everyone’s week is moving along fabulous! Just waking up with the birds. Wish I could say I slept better but when you have a sick cat that is sneezing all night, what do you do? Have you ever...
Isn’t it the truth that is always seems like there is always something that can make us say that, “Yes, something is the matter!” Isn’t that just life? With all the variables and working components of life, it is easy to always have...
We have been talking about our purpose, identity, and knowing what we represent! Do you know yet? Have you given this some deep thought? Are you committed to yourself? Are you moving forward, finding excuses and backtracking, or comfortable and staying idle right...
“We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves.” ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld So much easier said than done but as long as you constantly are aware of ways to stay true to yourself, in any situation, you...
You hear me talk a lot about HIT training and Circuit training… We’ll that is because there is something to be said about it! We all have limited amount of time to spend working out and with the reality of LIFE, time is of the essence so why not spend it...
Reposted, for those having problems downloading…. We are such firm believers in goal setting, knowing what you want, putting your desires and needs out there, and re-evaluating them from time to time! Make an agreement to yourself. Take a moment to think about...