Are you a carbon copy or are you an individual? Think about how you set yourself apart in this world of trends, fads and expectations? We hear from every facet of life from how to dress, how to eat, how to speak, how to live, etc. You can create your own style and look, superficially, but your your unique individuality begins from within. It is too easy to conform to society or what Other people want. Often it is done subconsciously. When conformity happens, you start to lose who you are as an individual. Stay true to who you are, what you believe and your value system and you will be that individual that nobody else can or will ever be. It is much easier to be YOU than to try to be someone you are not. The question then is do you even know what you want or who you are or are you want to be? Be sure to create your own value system and gain strength by living it out by staying true to YOU! You will notice that once you are true to yourself and are the person you want to be, you will feel the freedom to just live and be!