07-25 update

Tomorrow marks 15 weeks and my baby is the size of an orange!! 🙂 It is crazy how time is flying! Things are going well! This morning I woke up around 3 a.m. Starving! This has been happening the past few days. Not sure if it is because I have increased my cardio, now...

07-23 update

Today was another HIGH energy day! Feeling like my old self and it is amazing! Everything you hear and read IS true, that second trimester (so far) is quite different than your first and you just feel amazing so embrace it. I surely am embracing it and loving my get...

07/17 update

Today was a great day But a Tired day. Not sure if I am having a baby growth period or what but the past few days I feel like I could sleep and sleep and sleep some more! I was able to take a mid afternoon nap but forced myself to get up otherwise I could have slept...