G-Fit Buddy Workout Of the Day

G-Fit Buddy Workout of the Day 1 mile run Circuit: -10 back lunges with knee to chest -buddy squats, 2 squats, switch with partner, repeat 10x -15 decline push-ups -1 minute high knees -10 side lateral raise superset with front raise Rest and repeat circuit...

Healthy Coffee Alternatives

One of the easiest ways to pack on the pounds is to drink your calories! One of the biggest weight loss blunders is drinking high calorie, high fat and high sugar beverages! A simple 5-minute drive through the Starbucks drive-through can cost you over 400 calories, 10...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: jump rope to one full song Circuit: all 10 reps of the following… One arm reverse rows One arm side lateral raise One arm reverse grip front raise One Arm bicep curl Quick rest Then bring it all together—> one after the other.....