4 Ways To Finally Get Toned Without ever Counting Calories

4 Ways To Finally Get Toned Without ever Counting Calories

When it comes to fitness, the days of skinny as the goal are over. Today, people want strength, speed, health and to find fitness freedom. This is a fitness plan that does not feel restrictive but like freedom. This shift in mindset from skinny to strong takes away...
Ignite Your Fire Challenge Day 2 🔥

Ignite Your Fire Challenge Day 2 🔥

Daily Challenge Checklist: 🌟 Follow along with today’s workout. Simply press play and let’s go! 🌟 Check in Online in our Facebook Tribe HERE and let me know you completed Today’s Challenge! 🌟 If you are on Instagram, be sure...
Ignite Your Fire Challenge Day 1 🔥

Ignite Your Fire Challenge Day 1 🔥

Daily Challenge Checklist: 🌟 Follow along with today’s workout. Simply press play and let’s go! 🌟 Check in Online in our Facebook Tribe HERE and let me know you completed Today’s Challenge! 🌟 If you are on Instagram, be sure...
Presence over Perfect

Presence over Perfect

Hope you are having a great kick off of the week. I am deep in reflection mode (when am I not) but even deeper this week since I turn the chapter and celebrate my 35th birthday this weekend.💫 ⁣I always love to take a look at my previous year, things I want to...