September Get Fit With G-Fit

NEW VIDEOS POSTED BELOW… G-FIT CIRCUIT #8 and MORE MOTIVATIONAL TIPS :)! [yt id=”gM2iAthDlSY”] Welcome to your September Get Fit With G-Fit! Let’s do this!! If you have been on board or joining us now, so excited to have you on board!! Getting into...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: -10 side lateral raises then drive thumbs together -weighted ab crunch with toe touch -10 Russian twist -10 hip extensions with leg extended -10 renegade rows Rest and repeat 2x #Digdeep

August Get Fit With G-Fit

[yt id=”gM2iAthDlSY”] Welcome to your August Get Fit With G-Fit Workouts! Let’s do this!! If you have been on board or joining us now, so excited to have you on board!! Getting into the best shape of your life means moving your body daily AND following a...