G-Fit Lower Body Burn

G-Fit Lower Body Burn

Gina Aliotti’s G-Fit Lower Body Burn  It’s time to burn that booty and shape the legs with this circuit that will make your lower body burn. All you need is an exercise ball and booty band. Just like all my workouts, no gym is necessary. Let’s have...
Success Story: Marci Nedialkov

Success Story: Marci Nedialkov

Gina, As I watched one of your LIVES recently I wanted to sit down and write all the benefits I’ve had since you came into my life 3 years ago. I’ve been a work from home mom in the health and wellness industry for the past 4.5 years and have 3 boys; 11, 2, 1. It was...
Work that lower body with these 2 Moves…

Work that lower body with these 2 Moves…

People always ask about what pieces of equipment I recommend for a home gym AND what are some of my favorite exercises to target the lower body. You do NOT need a gym or heavy machinery to target the lower body.  The days of using a leg press machine, doing leg...
Smoked Paprika Cauliflower Rice

Smoked Paprika Cauliflower Rice

Ingredients: -1 bag cauliflower rice, fresh or frozen -2 cloves garlic minced -2 tsp smoked Paprika -1/4 cup mushrooms, chopped -1 tbsp EVOO ( extra virgin olive oil)   (EVOO can be removed for non fat meal) Directions: Place olive oil to sauté pan. Add mushrooms...
5 Tips to keep you Digging Deep!

5 Tips to keep you Digging Deep!

You have been digging deep and pushing hard! I am proud of you! Not everyone would have even committed themselves or jumped on board! People get scared they will fail or that they will work hard and not see the results they expected. It is totally normal to start a...