Back on the wagon we go and THAT is what will lead to long term success! After son FUN and family R&R the only way to do it is jump right back on the wagon… Have a question, I am here to help! Every week answering all your questions + sharing valuable tips...
With the newly released American Super hero Film Wonder Woman, I thought it was appropriate to shed light on the wonder woman that resides in every each and every woman. Since becoming a mom, I have gained a new respect for all women. The day-to-day duties of being a...
Summer is here, yay! Just because it’s summer and you are doing you best to look incredible in your bikini, that doesn’t mean you have to stay away from cookies! Yes, you can have your cookies AND bikini body at the same time. It is just about picking the right...
The Squat: Variations of this Powerful Exercise Nice round, firm, toned glutes, we all want them right!? The gluteals — your butt muscles — are the largest and strongest muscles in the body. Their function is hip extension, or driving the upper legs backward. It is...
Kicking off summer with a trip to the zoo, I wanted to share my survival tips to help you along your adventures this summer! Here they are… wear sunscreen- A must! It’s hot out and even if it’s not, protect your skin! wear comfortable shoes- You do a...