Good Morning!! If you think about yesterday or even your entire week, do you recall a moment where you sat to just appreciate life and its beauty, just because?? We go on with our days so often forgetting that the small things are the things that we need to acknowledge and appreciate. Unless something “big” happens to us, such as a job promotion, accomplishing our daily fitness routine or program, meeting a personal goal, etc, we tend to thing that “nothing special” happened. Remember that something special happens each day and you need to stop and appreciate all those small things around us that are truly “big”. For some reason, we find ourselves taking things for granted. Driving to and from our everyday duties, did you ever take a moment to appreciate the ability to drive or the ability that you are capable of driving OR did you find yourself getting frustrated in traffic? it’s hard to be impressed with anything these days. When was the last time you watched the sun set or rise in appreciation for its beauty and the science behind mother nature? Those small things are the things that are the Big things that need to not go unappreciated. Once you take something for granted, you also take the life out of it. Stop looking or seeking something special or big to happen because it happens every day! Just be aware and open your eyes to appreciate those things on a daily basis! Today appreciate the smallest of small things!