After last week competition, my goal is to add more muscle and to increase my overall size to allow for more curvy body. What are your suggestions on this because I’m naturally on the thinner side.
Also, during the pre-competition, my diet wasn’t allowed me to have any bread, wheat, soy, and dairy. What was the purpose of that? Is it okay now if I start adding them to my meals?
A: As far as your goal to add more muscle and increase overall size and curves, there are a few things you can start with…
– be sure your calories are up, slightly… nothing too crazy but you do need to be sure you are not too low.
– be sure to increase your carbs and not keep them low
– be sure to have your pre and post workout meals on point with the proper nutrients (carbs, proteins and even some fruit post workout)
– increase weight during exercises, keeping good form
– maybe allowing yourself an extra rest day so hitting the gym for weights 4 days, if you are use to 5
– do cardio but nothing too crazy, a moderate amount is what you need during this phase
(4-5x/week of about 45 minutes)
-be sure you are taking your supplements– bcaa’s, glutamine, vitamins, omega 3-6-9’s
-constant change (change with your diet and change with your training)
-have fun!!
Keep me posted and let me know how you do! In the time you are not in pre contest, it is okay to add those items back into your diet but my suggestions
– if you eat bread, stick to whole wheat (ezekiel products are my favorite) avoid white breads!
-wheat, in moderation is fine!
-soy is okay in moderation
-dairy is okay in moderation too but I would stick to low or non fat products.
Hope that helps!