If you are a coffee connoisseur like so many in the www.ginaaliotti.com family, you must know that there are more than one way to brew a cup of coffee?? Automatic drip, instant, Espresso, percolator, vacuum, cold water, hot press aka “plunger” and so many more…. If you are a java lover, you must try different variations of your favorite coffee. Since 2004, been hooked on instant coffee for the taste and convenience, and have not veered away, other than an espresso or an Americano, from time to time. Recently being introduced to the “French Press” aka “plunger” and coffee realized brewing coffee is just not “brewing coffee”, it is an art and the flavor is all about how it is prepared…
Because the coffee grounds remain in direct contact with the brewing water and the grounds are filtered from the water via a mesh instead of a paper filter, coffee brewed with the French press captures more of the coffee’s flavor and essential oils, making it usually stronger, thicker and creamier than your average drip!
If you are one of those that loves good conversation over a cup of coffee or stating your day with a warm and freshly brewed cup of java, try something new and spice up your day!

Untitled from Gina Aliotti on Vimeo.