Want to lose weight fast? Tired of fad diets and endless treadmill sessions? Tweak your workout to get better results in less time! Steady state cardio won’t get you too far. If it was as great as most people think, you’d already be thin. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a much better choice. With HIIT, you’ll burn a ton of calories during and after exercise. When combined with resistance training, its benefits are even greater. Add CLICK Active to the mix within an hour of your workout to build the body you’re after! How Does HIIT Work? High intensity interval training is a favorite choice for athletes and weekend warriors worldwide. This fast-paced workout method preserves lean muscle and torches fat. It’s also less time consuming than standard cardio, so you don’t have to spend hours in the gym. HIIT alternates between high intensity intervals and low to moderate intensity intervals. For example, you can sprint or run fast for 30 seconds, slow down for another 30 seconds, and repeat. Do it for 10 to 20 minutes, preferably after lifting weights. This way, you’ll deplete muscle and liver glycogen stores, and burn fat. This training method can be applied to just about any exercise, from running and swimming to squatting. If you work out at home, you can use HIIT for burpees, mountain climbers, push-ups, high knees, and other bodyweight movements. HIIT works for cycling, jump roping, sit-ups, pull-ups, and split jumps too. It requires no equipment and can be done anytime, anywhere. This type of workout gets your heart racing and boosts metabolism, leading to fast weight loss. It’s also a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness and keep fit year-round. The Mind-Blowing Benefits of HIIT High intensity interval training is considered the best way to lose fat. It’s also just as good as and even better than steady state cardio for improving fitness and overall health. What makes it so effective is its ability to produce an afterburn effect, also known as EPOC. Basically, it increases oxygen consumption and metabolism for up to 48 hours after exercises. This means you will continue to burn calories long after finishing your workout. The human body burns approximately five calories to consume one liter of oxygen. After a HIIT session, its oxygen demands increase. As a result, your energy expenditure goes up. Oxygen is used for ATP production, muscle glycogen synthesis, protein synthesis, recovery, and other bodily functions. Strength training and HIIT yield a greater afterburn effect compared to aerobic exercise. Additionally, high-intensity workouts don’t affect lean mass like cardio does. Aerobic exercise burns both fat and muscle tissue. With HIIT, it’s no need to worry about muscle loss. This training method will also increase your power, speed, endurance, and strength, allowing you to work out harder for longer periods of time. Elite athletes use HIIT to stay lean and boost their physical performance. Not to mention that it’s a great way to save money and get the most out of your gym time. Due to its intense nature, this training method puts a lot of stress on your body. Thus, it’s important to get plenty of rest. Three HIIT sessions per week are more than enough for the average gym goer. To fully reap its benefits, combine it with strength training. This will help you build lean muscle and shed stubborn fat. A high-protein drink like CLICK Active will fuel your gains and boost energy levels. With 25 grams of protein per serving, this coffee flavored beverage curbs hunger and speeds up recovery from training. Enjoy it for breakfast, before hitting the gym, or right after your workout!

How to Crush Your HIIT RoutineNow that you know how HIIT works, it’s time to try it yourself. First, decide how you’re going to train. If you work out at home, use HIIT for bodyweight exercises, running, or stair climbing. For instance, do burpees at a fast pace for 30 seconds, rest or walk for another 30 seconds, and then start all over. Keep your workouts short and intense. A typical HIIT session should not exceed 25 minutes. If you have a busy schedule, do tabata. This high-intensity workout takes just four minutes. It involves 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of recovery or less intense training. Experiment with different intervals, such as 30 seconds, 20 seconds, or 40 seconds. Switch up your routine once every few days to keep your body guessing. Mix and match exercises, such as push-ups and squats, burpees and jumping jacks, or squats and lunges. This way, you’ll hit your muscles from different angles and burn more calories. To lose weight faster, perform about 20 minutes of steady state cardio after HIIT. Remember to drink plenty of water to prevent cramping. This workout method is very intense, so it’s essential to keep yourself hydrated.