Let’s talk SQUATS and The 7 Proven Benefits of Squatting Beyond Building a Beautiful Booty!

Squatting is a foundational functional movement you do on a daily basis without even thinking about it.

🏋️‍♀️Let’s Really Think About It 

You bend down to grab something to put on the counter or you drop something and squat down to pick it up. When you sit in a chair or get out of bed, you are performing a squat. No matter what season of life you are in or what age, squats are something you do on a daily. So…why not add them into your daily workouts so you can not only improve your squat but improve your quality of life. Unlike a leg press, squats can be done anywhere – without any fancy equipment. If you can stand, you can squat. If you are alive, you need to be squatting. Squatting will keep you youthful, healthy, happy and injury-free.

Let’s Talk About The 7 PROVEN Benefits of Squats.

#1️⃣ Squats Strengthen Your Entire Lower Body

➡️ Glutes: Your entire glute muscles, maximus, medius, and minimus are responsible for keeping the body erect and helping to propel it forward.
➡️ Hamstrings: Hamstrings help you with basic activities such as standing jumping and stretching.
➡️ Quadriceps: Help to straighten the legs and stabilize the kneecaps. Stronger quads = stronger knees!
➡️ Calves: The calf muscles flex the foot and ankle and are essential for running and jumping.

# 2️⃣ Squats Increase Your Core Strength

Your core, which includes your abdominals, obliques, and lower and mid-back muscles are essential for spine stabilization and allow for rotating your torso and doing everyday movements such as bending forward, backwards or side to side.

While you may not think of your core when you think of squats, the truth is this basic functional movement activates your core muscles and actually may be MORE effective than planks at increasing core strength. With a strong core, you protect your back from injury, after all everything stems from your core.

#3️⃣ Squats Improve Posture, Mobility and Balance

Strong leg and core muscles are crucial for proper balance and posture. Squats improve leg and core muscles which directly affects your posture and helps prevent back pain and potential for injuries. One can say, squats are a preventive exercise for keeping your back injury free, improving posture and helping with balance. Especially if you are a woman over 40, this becomes an important topic as you may notice your mobility and balance starting to decrease. Squats helps to improve your range of motion which helps reduce injury and keeps your joins lubricated and healthy.

The #1 mistake people make is as they feel their mobility decrease, they stop moving and reduce their exercise i.e. squats. If you stay in motion and continue to incorporate squats into your fitness routine, they can keep you young, healthy, balanced, and doing all the things you did in your youth! YES- squats can be the ONE exercise that can keep you young and mobile!

#4️⃣ Squats Improve Your Mood

Who doesn’t feel better after they do a few squats? They get your heart pumping, metabolism revved up and endorphins flowing. There is something about a squat that leaves you feeling so good!

A study published in the journal Frontiers In Neuroscience found that weight-bearing leg exercises like squats send neurological signals that are crucial in producing new, healthy brain cells. Those cells can then improve your critical thinking and overall cognitive function.  Squats also improve blood flow to the brain so if you are looking for a little brain boost, squats can be the answer.

#5️⃣ Squats Keep Your Bones and Joints Strong

When you perform exercises like squats, your muscles adapt to the resistance from your body weight. This positive stress on the body causes your muscles to grow bigger and stronger. Your bones also respond to stress by adapting and increasing bone density. By squatting you can not only improve muscle density but preserve bone mass and keep your bones and joints strong. As we get older muscle growth and preservation becomes vital. Squats for the win, again!

#6️⃣ Squats Are a Calorie Burner

Squats are a compound exercise meaning they work multiple muscles at once. This multi-muscle recruitment requires more calories burned. Not only do you burn calories during the movement BUT as you improve muscle mass, the more calories your body burns while at rest. Not only are you burning calories in the moment but throughout the rest of the day making you a calorie-burning machine.

Higher calorie burn and improved muscle mass = healthier body composition = improved longevity and overall health. 

#7️⃣ Squats Boost Your Confidence and Overall Sense of Well-Being

Squats can boost your confidence. Squats can be done anywhere and are simple way to boost your overall performance and health. When you start feeling better doing the simple tasks of life like getting out of a chair with more ease and mobility, you naturally start building confidence and feeling empowered. There is nothing more mood-busting than feeling defeated. Squats has a way of building you back up by improving strength, mobility, muscle, balance and making you feel young again!

Now that we have the 7 proven benefits of squatting how powerful squats can be, what is your next step? 


🍑Start Squatting!

Commit to doing 20 squats a day. Just commit to starting. Whether that be adding them into your home workouts, setting an alarm to squat 20 times 3x/day or better yet joining a FUN squat challenge, squats need to become a regular in your life.

I want to help you change your body, change your booty, change your health and gain confidence along the way.

🚶🏻‍♀️Your Next Step…Join the 10th Annual Summer Squat Challenge

In the G-Fit lifestyle, I help you to incorporate these powerful movements into your every day life, whether that be through the home workouts in the G-Fit App OR with the FUN challenges we rock throughout the year. Every summer we kick off The Summer Squat Challenge. This is the perfect opportunity to get your squat on and literally change your life!

🔥Who is this for?

ANYONE. Literally, if you have a pulse, you can do this challenge. ANY age, ANY level, ANYWHERE in the world, YOU can do this! It is the ONE challenge that can completely change your fitness game FOREVER. Maybe even be the ONE challenge that ignites a newfound believe in yourself or get’s you finally on your way towards the best, healthiest version of you! Are you with me?


Summer Squat Challenge kicks off June 20th. 

Details Coming Soon! 🍑


💥 Included for all G-Fit App Members 💥






