Did you wake up with an optimistic attitude and ready to conquer your day, your week? Happiness is a choice and it is up to you to how you feel, right now, at this moment, is up to you. How you feel is your choice. You choose to feel this way or that way so how do you want to feel today?
No matter what situation you find yourself in, if it is one you do not like, try to change the way you look at it. This does not mean that you have to ignore problems or live in denial but change your perspective. Look for solutions to a problem rather than dwelling in them. Don’t ever forget that you have control of your outlook and if you can’t change a situation, you can change your perspective.
If there something that bothers you, think about how you can look at the situation from a different point of view. Putting emotions aside and being rational, see the light and change your perspective, after all, your perspective is something no one can take away from you!