As our Quote of the day mentions, destiny is often found down a road you once were afraid to travel. If you think about this, you may find an interesting conclusion. If you are aiming for a certain goal or destination and have yet to get there, maybe it is in a road that you are afraid to travel. This brings back up our idea of being Fearless to take action or travel down a different path. This Lifestyle is ALL about finding what works for you! Of course three are “norms” or thoughts that you will hear along the way that are intended to help you but remember that everyone is unique, and everyone needs to discover their true calling and road to travel without any fear! If you are aiming for a goal but have yet to find your direction, maybe your direction is right in front of you but it has been one you have been avoiding! We can’t expect a different result by traveling down the same path the same way. Maybe to get a different result we need to take a leap of faith, switch gears and travel down a different road and then, just then may you find your destiny….
You may be surprised to find that that fear or path you have been avoiding is exactly what you are looking for!