While some core exercises are great for targeting your obliques or lower abs, this quickie routine hits those muscles…and more. This five-minute routine leaves no abs muscle behind. Your core will be shaking by the end, but it’ll be worth it, promise! Give this circuit a try and let me know what you think. All you need is a booty band. Let’s do this!

Start by placing a band around your mid thighs. You will perform all exercises with the band in this position. Once you have the band securely set, get ready to burn baby burn…

10 Regular Crunches

With your feet planted on the ground and hands interlaced behind your head, use your core to guide your head up towards the sky and squeeze at the top. Release and repeat until you have completed 15 reps.

Regular Crunches with leg openers 

With your feet planted on the ground and hands interlaced behind your head, use your core to guide your head up towards the sky while simultaneously opening up your knees for a great abductor burn. Lower back down while bringing your knees back together then repeat lifting your head while opening your knees. Repeat 15x.

Band Bicycle Crunches

With your hands interlaced behind your head, and feet hovering off the ground, bring your right knee to meet your left elbow then extend your right leg and repeat on the other side allowing your left knee to meet your right elbow, as if you were riding a bicycle. Keep your feet flexed and alternate from side to side slow and steadily. The band adds a touch of resistance to your lower body so you will feel a great lower body burn while working your core. Perform 15 reps total.

Lying leg lifts 

Start by placing your hand under your glutes and legs extended straight out in front of you. With pointed toes, lift your legs up towards the sky until your feet are pointed directly up above your face. Slowly lower down then repeat 15x.

Band Flutter Kicks – toes pointed 

Start by placing your hands under your glutes and legs straight out in front of you. With your toes pointed start by scissoring your feet, up and down, not allowing your feet to lower to the ground throughout the exercise. Perform 15 2-flutter kicks.

Knee to elbow, each side 

Start with your right hand behind your head and right foot grounded to the floor.  Extend your left leg straight, hovering just about the ground. Bring your right elbow to meet your left knee then extend your left leg and open up your right elbow. Repeat on the same side, crunching for 15 reps before repeating on the other side.

Band Regular Crunches 

With your feet planted on the ground and hands interlaced behind your head, use your core to guide your head up towards the sky and squeeze at the top. Release and repeat until you have completed 15 reps.

Feel free to repeat the circuit 1-2x if you feel up to it but even if you just do this one 5 minute circuit you are in for a killer burn with not much time necessary!  Have fun and enjoy! 

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