Carb Cycling is the name of the G-Fit game. Check out common mistakes of carb cycling and see if there are any that need to be addressed. One of these mistakes could be messing up the magic of the G-Fit Carb Cycling fomulas …

Mistake #1: Adding in BLT’s.

Carb cycling works if the macros are cycled. If you start adding in bites licks and tastes of different macros, it throws off the carb cycling. For example, if the day you are following is a carb day and you start grabbing for almonds or licking the knife after making your kids PB&J, you are now combining carbs and fats. While this may still be considered eating healthy, it is not maximizing the incredible results of Carb Cycling. Watch those BLT’s and if you are hungry eat your free veggies.

Learn more about Eating Healthy vs. Eating for Purpose HERE.

Mistake #2: Eating Processed “healthy” foods.

People often fall into the “healthy food” trap of processed foods that are labeled as Healthy, gluten-free, natural, etc. but are filled with preservatives and things that are nearly impossible to pronounce. These types of foods may have extra calories, sugar, gluten, and carbs even if not listed on the nutrition label. Based on labeling regulations, if there is less than .5g of something, they can label it ZERO. Just because something is ZERO doesn’t mean it is, when you are adding several servings thinking it is “FREE”.

For example, the “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” spray has ZERO calories, according to the label, if you use just a few spritzes.  However, if you do what most of us do and spray or better yet, pour, you can rack up calories and fat grams pretty quickly.

12.5 sprays is 10 calories and 1 gram of fat, 25 sprays (1 teaspoon) is 20 calories and 2 grams of fat, and 37.5 sprays is 30 calories and 3 grams of fat.

In case you’re curious,  the entire bottle contains 900 calories and 90 grams of fat!

Mistake #3: Not Eating Enough Veggies.

Veggies are the magic of the G-Fit carb cycling formulas. If you find yourself hungry, eat extra veggies to satisfy your hunger and allow you to bulk up your meals. Veggies will help you not only stay full but feed your metabolism making you a fat-burning machine.

Mistake #4: Sitting Still.

Carb Cycling is the magic potion but extra magical when you incorporate movement. While you are learning the carb cycling methods, make movement a priority. While abs are created in the kitchen, the movement will make your results that much greater and keep your heart and soul happy.