I believe that how you start your day determines how you end your day! Start your day with these 3 morning rituals and set yourself up for nothing less than success!

I believe in the power of routines, especially at the beginning and the end of the day. Not only because how you start and end your day determines your productivity but because every day is a new opportunity to make a shift in your perspective, who you are, who you want to be and how you show up.

We live in a world where so much is out of our control but when we focus on the things that are within our control that gives us our power! OWNING that power begins in the morning and sets the tone for the entire day.

Committing to a morning routine immediately puts the power in our hands and remind us that we own that power to choose how we show up.

It all starts with proper preparation and creating peace in our hearts.

If you can create this peace first thing, it will lay the foundation for the choices you make the remaining hours.

With a full schedule and kids needing my attention from the minute they wake up, my morning routine is my power house, where all things stem.

It gives me the space to do me, before I can be 100% for them and you…

Here are 3 morning rituals that have completely changed how I show up in the world.

1. MeditationIt’s too easy to wake up, start scrolling, get back to e-mails and start the grind… That use to be me, talk about a total recipe for burnout! I started realizing that my mornings needed to start with ME time. Tapping into ME before I could tap into the world has given me my power to show up and be that much more productive and present throughout the day.

The power of starting my day with my non-negotiable mediation practice has allowed me to generate my own original thoughts, ideas and manifest how I want my day to unfold. The power of the morning stillness (when your kids are fast asleep) allows you to tap into your truth and reminds you of the power that lives within us! When you kick off the day with this intuitive resource and heart full of gratitude, it allows us to move forward more positively and peacefully through the day.

Whether you find your morning me time in mediation or journaling, having that quiet time to tap into YOU before you tap into the world, will set you up for success and keep you grounded throughout the day.

2. MovementDo something to move your body. as early as possible! I use to be ambitious and hit the gym first thing in the morning before the world woke up but then I had kids. I had to sacrifice what time I got in my workout and where- but I get it done as early as possible. Whether you workout at a gym or home, make it a non-negotiable part of your day to MOVE as early as possible!

Movement in the morning will clear your head, get the positive juices flowing and give you the natural endorphins to show up and shine!

The power of movement is more than just to “look good” and “feel good”, it is medicine for your soul. When you realize the power of this natural high, you will to make it a non-negotiable part of your everyday. The sooner you can move, the sooner you can reap all the benefits and carry them with you throughout the day.

The key is to move whenever and wherever you can but if there are magical powers in movement, why wouldn’t you want to tap into that magic as early as possible so you can use that power to slay the day?!

3. Map out your ONE thingThis one is my favorites because it has been one of the biggest challenges with the greatest rewards.

It is so easy to get overwhelmed by the day and all the things you have to accomplish. Mapping out your ONE thing that needs your attention for that day then your sub list of “everything else” gives you that laser focus.

I use to be overwhelmed by my to do lists and at the end of the day would realize I got nothing done!

It is a frustrating place to be when you feel so overwhelmed by all that you need to do that you don’t know where to start… You do a little of this and a little of that and before you know it, you spent the day doing a whole bunch of a lot of things but not ONE thing got accomplished!

Starting off the day by mapping out your ONE thing, your ONE priority for the day gives you direction and POWER. If you focus on that ONE thing and get that ONE thing done, you are a success and everything else is bonus.

When you make time to map out your ONE priority, you aren’t allowing yourself to stay stuck on the hamster wheel of the to do’s. It is then that you can actually regain your focus and streamlining your attention to the ONE thing that needs ALL of you in that given moment.

Take home: DO ONE thing and do that ONE thing well! The concept of multitasking is a thing of the past and it has completely changed my game!

Remember, every day is an opportunity for us to show up a better version of ourselves. At any moment, we have the power to change our direction and take those micro steps to take the power in our own hands and focus on what we can control.

While we may not be able to control the outside world, we can control how we show up in the world and it all starts with our morning routine.

Meditate, Move your body. Map out your day and set yourself up for success. The following day, repeat and repeat again …

I hope that this helps you and gives you inspiration for how you will take your power back. It all start tomorrow by cultivating the day of your dreams with these 3 M’s.

Are you with me?

big hugs, Gina