Just because you aren’t sore doesn’t mean you didn’t get a killer workout! SO many people associate being sore with an awesome workout but just because you don’t get sore doesn’t mean your workout was anything short of awesome! If you are still seeing results, your workouts are working, whether you are sore or not.

When we workout and move our body, muscles are contracting (concentric movement) and lengthening (essentric movement). In order for our body to move, lift, jump, etc. our muscles must contract. When muscles are pushed past their limits and maybe lengthened a bit too much, it can cause small micro tears that can cause muscle soreness and fatigue. This can occur 12-72 hours after the actual movement or workout. This is actually called DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) Soreness doesn’t happen right away, it usually takes a day to 3 days to feel.

When you are starting an exercise program for the first time, you may notice you get sore more often for a while. This is because you are doing something your body is not use to doing and muscles are being worked in ways they may not have been worked in a while. Once your body adjusts to what you are doing, your muscles may not be forced to stretch past their limits, which will decrease or eliminate soreness.

After you have been doing similar exercises, it is common to not get as sore or possibly not sore at all. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing! Think of it as your body recovering faster, getting stronger and overall you are becoming a fitter version of you. Isn’t that the goal of any exercise program anyways? The reason we change the position of our grip, reps, sets, intensity and time of our workouts, as seen in my PLANS, is to keep our body responding and never fully adapting to the same day in and day out workout. The same movement done a few different ways will keep your body continuing to change and respond while keeping your head in the game.

Remember, if your body is continuing to make changes and you are seeing progress, you are doing things right! Progress doesn’t just come as a number on the scale but rather an overall feeling. Are you getting stronger, both mentally and physically? Are you feeling accomplished? Progress comes in all shapes and sizes and if you are seeing and feeling progress, your training plan is working so sore or not sore, keep at it! If you feel like you are no longer making progress, are bored (this is a big one), and you aren’t looking forward to your workouts,, then it might be time for you to switch things up and try a new PLAN or way to challenge your body. The goal is to continue to have fun with your training and overall fitness. When your head is in the game, your body will follow.

What if your body is sore and you are experiencing DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)?? It happens when you change it up and use muscles in ways they are not use to. Here are a few of my top recommendations for muscle soreness and fatigue:

1. STAY IN MOTION. People tend to want to STOP when they are sore and BOOK OUT of their workout but that is the worst thing you can do. SIM to remove lactic acid and allow blood flow to help in the recovery process. Remember to always refer back to our FIRST LAW.. Stay In Motion- whatever it takes!

2. DRINK WATER. Staying hydrated will help break down excess lactic acid and flush out the toxins so drink up!

3. SUPPLEMENT. BCAA’s are a great supplement to take pre, during or post workout. I even like to simply add them to my gallon fo water and sip on them all day. BCAA’s are the 3 key essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) that play a role in increased endurance, improve performance, reduce DOMS, and aid protein synthesis. These are my favorite high quality BCAA’s to try. Not only do they help with soreness, they help you get in your water!

Another great supplement to add is glutamine, which is the most abundant amino acid in the body. It helps with muscle fatigue, soreness and overall recovery. It also serves as a great healer post injury- hence recovering from the micro tears from a workout. You can simply add 5-20 grams to your protein shakes or even in your oats.

CBD Cream is a great topical supplement to help with soreness and pain. A natural source of recovery taken to the next level. I use CBD for soreness, joint pain and it works wonders. THIS is the one I use and love.

4. TURMERIC. Turmeric is a great natural anti-inflamatory that helps prevent and reduce joint inflammation. Reducing inflammation is key when it comes to healing your body post workout. Turmeric is a great way along with being mindful to remove inflammatory foods, seed oils and processed foods. You can simply add it in your cooking for all the amazing benefits and even great earthy flavor.

Remember, soreness doesn’t equate to a killer workout! Just because you aren’t getting sore doesn’t mean your workouts are lacking! On the contrary, muscle soreness doesn’t mean you crushed your workout. If you are facing soreness, know there are things you can do to help eliminate the temporary pain.

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