Today was a fantastic day! Yes, so far 14th trimester has brought on the energy! Bring it! Today officially marks 14 weeks and my baby is the size of a lemon!! 🙂

Woke up today knowing it was going to be a stellar day. The amazing weather and San Diego heat definitely is playing a part, no doubt, but giving my pregnancy some credit too! I had a wonderful day with a fine mix of work and me time. Really soaking in and enjoying that “me” time, whenever I can!
Today’s Meal were as follows:
Meal #1: 1/2 cup mixed grain hot cereal with 1/4 cup wheat bran and strawberries with 1 scoop protein mixed in
Meal 2: Post workout 6 egg whites with an apple
Meal #3: lean turkey chili cabbage sauté with 1/2 avocado and Nori
Meal  #4: Lemon Protein Pancakes
Meal #5: green beans with ground turkey topped with homemade puree of tomatoes, garlic, bell pepper and Olive Oil 🙂
Meal #6: Chocolate Protein Shake with Chia Seed
Workout was short and sweet.
3 mile walk with my dog
50 minutes on incline treadmill 15% 4.4-4.6mph
2 sets of 15
-Bench dips
-tricep kickbacks
-side lateral raises
-bicep curls, super set with side lateral raise
-Machine Shoulder Press
-One single standing dumbbell shoulder press
Until tomorrow. Headed to get a good nights sleep for another super sunny day!!
night night, xo Gina