1-Eat food that’s as close to its natural state as possible and choose foods that don’t come with a list of ingredients you cannot pronounce.
2-Stick with items with under 5 ingredients listed.
3-When you think of a plate, think veggies first, protein 2nd and complex carbs and fats 3rd.
4-Only keep healthy options in your house. Limiting temptations will help you make smart choices!
5-Shop local and what’s in season. You will not only be saving local farms but save yourself money so it is a win win!
6-Cook at home as much as possible, saving you $$ and extra hidden calories, fat and unnecessary sodium!
7-Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. This will help you stay away from processed and unhealthy packaged items.
8-Look for Whole Grain items and not “enriched”.
9-Before you eat, drink 4-8 oz of water to keep you from over eating.
10-If you find yourself hungry, ask yourself “Am I really Hungry?”