We use this analogy all the time but it couldn’t be closer to the truth. Life is like a marathon and we must enjoy it! In life we cannot determine our lifespan but we do have control over the depth and width of our journey. You may not know where the finish line is but it is up to you to take a look around and embrace what the run has to offer you! It is so common to get soaked up in trying to figure out when you will get there! How much longer, I am not sure how long I can keep this up? If you have literally ran a marathon, this sounds all to familiar! If you haven’t literally ran a marathon, doesn’t this sound familiar in our everyday lives? Rather than just pounding away on that pavement, look to your left, look to your right and enjoy the scenery! You never know what you may see if you take a look around! You never know what you may experience along the way that can take your breath away or give you that extra motivation to keep digging. It is up to us to determine the depth and width of our lives. You are going to get to the finish line, whenever that may be, so the question lies in how do you want things to look and feel from now until then? quality of our lives. Remember, we don’t always determine the distance, but we can determine the path.