The Post Contest Not SO Blues

THE POST CONTEST NOT SO BLUES! There has been a lot of talk about the negative effects of rebounding after a term of strict dieting. However, I’d like to talk about  the positive rebound effects that also take place!? Let’s look at the glass half full…if even...

adding size and curves Q&A

Q: After last week competition, my goal is to add more muscle and to increase my overall size to allow for more curvy body. What are your suggestions on this because I’m naturally on the thinner side. Also, during the pre-competition, my diet wasn’t...

Plateau no more… What is next?

From my own personal experiences and my coaching experiences, I can not stress enough how important it is to continually think of “what’s next?” This idea consistently kept excitement in our program and allow us to have a place to shift all of our...


Q:I am not in contest mode right now so I’ve been way more lax with weighing/measuring as well as timing of my meals. I still eat very clean mostly because I enjoy it but I’ve been training a lot less. I train about 5 days a week for one hour currently...

Post Contest, the aftermath….

You’re a fitness enthusiast about to enter your first competition. You’ve talked to other competitors, read about contest preparation, studied the diets of the champions, and read all the magazines for all the tricks and tips from the professionals.  You decide that...