Coffee and a.m. cardio Q&A

Q: Cardio upon waking up- Does that mean NO COFFEE before cardio? A: Of course, Coffee upon waking and before cardio is a YES! Omg, what would we do without our morning coffee! If I had to head out with out my warm cup of coffee, oh no… that wouldn’t be so...

Cardio Q&A

Q: Now in your opinion do you recommend doing cardio after weights?? There is a guy at the gym that gives me so much grieve over doing cardio after my weight session. He swears I am going to lose muscle, how ever I did this with my last comp prep and guess what I won...

a.m. and post workout cardio q&a

Q: I’m just curious how significant of a difference are the 2 on fat burning? I understand that your glycogen stores are lower after you haven’t eaten since the night before. But how much difference is there between that and your glycogen stores...