From my own personal experiences and my coaching experiences, I can not stress enough how important it is to continually think of “what’s next?” This idea consistently kept excitement in our program and allow us to have a place to shift all of our energy, once we have accomplished a goal.
Now with this being said, you DO have to focus on the moment but, at the same time, do not lose sight of a game plan for after your accomplishment is complete. If you tend to not think about the aftermath, it is easy to fall into a rut and spiral down a dark road of what to do next!?. It is important to think about new goals, ideas, a new focus and game plan.
Many people automatically shift to focusing on a new show but that is not always the answer. What about something new and exciting. Branch out and set other goals. So many people get so excited about doing the next program or competing in the next event that they can’t wait to get the current competition over with. It is the journey, for many, that keeps people excited. Remember, this is not your only journey or way to stay stimulated and accomplished! This mind set of never relaxing, whether it was to feel good, if we had done well or dwell on the results if we had done poorly, is not the best thing for us mentally or physically!
Rest is key and essential to your success. Think about trying a new challenging activity or learning a new skills. Even when we reach our mountain top have to be thinking of the next one. This will create the excitement in your program that you are looking for without allowing you to fall into that rut and potentially throwing yourself back into a show mentality.
You can think about what is next in your training routine or nutritional structure. Making constant, subtle changes in workouts or exercises, working on nutrition, using visualization and creating goals plays a huge role in stabilizing your emotional value, after you have such great accomplishments.
There are “No Plateaus”. Whether it has to do with the physical or mental components, you can control both of these by continually learning and growing in different areas of your life, striving to better yourself and make achievements.
Decide to continue to reset your goals, challenge yourself and keep focused on the next mountain you want to climb. It really is an amazing what happens when you make the shift.
As you are starting to get to the top of your mountain, take a moment to think and structure your game plan for post victory that is how we keep our minds stable and focused!