G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day: 2 mile run Circuit: 10 baby weight crossover lunges 10 crossover front raises 10 crossover bicep curls 25 floor crunches 15 weighted side to side crunches 15 floor knee to chest crunches Rest and repeat circuit 3x Dig...

G-Fit Workout of the Day

G-fit workout of the Day: 2 mile run Circuit: 15 side to side shuffles 15 tempo alternating front raises 15 Reverse grip barbell rows 15 Dumbbell bent over rows 15 alternating shoulder presses 30 Bicycle crunches Rest and repeat circuit 3x Dig...

Workout of the Day

G-Fit Workout of the Day 1 mile run CIRCUIT: 10 standing weighted toe touches 10 floor butt blasters 10 fire hydrants 10 3-count push-ups 10 plank up downs 10 plank knee to elbows Rest and repeat 3x Dig Deep!...

Push Up Variations

Almost all of my workouts include push-ups. With so many variations, they never get old!! You can make them as beginner or advanced as you want! So great for toning your entire body from head to toe! G-TIP: keep your abs engaged, glutes tight and chest out during any...